Monday, November 3, 2008

Eat Smarter

I can’t think of a better way to convince you to learn better manners than by encouraging you to attend the Career Services Dining Etiquette lesson.

Following my freshman year of college, I interned with Monsanto Company in St. Louis. Since there weren’t many other 19-year-olds at the corporate office, I spent most of my lunches and company dinners at a table with 50-something aged men.

You would think that considering the competition, I would be the most well poised person there. Not so. At company dinners, I spent most of my time agonizing over which utensil to pick up next and whether or not I was holding my napkin properly, rather than focusing on the valuable networking opportunities in front of me. My worst slip up was one day at lunch.

All the ole men were discussing Missouri wines and decided to be nice and include the intern. Knowing I went to school in Columbia, they asked if I was familiar with the winery near there. Well I wasn't, but it seemed I had heard of something called Boone's Farm. Since Columbia was in Boone County I decided this must be what they were talking about. They were of course talking about Les Bourgeois Winery in Rocheport. When I responded they just sort of stared at me and then quickly, and graciously, changed the subject. About six months later I saw a bottle of Boone's Farm at a gas station and realized my mistake. Boy was I embarrassed!

I’m not saying the etiquette lesson will teach you about wine, but knowing your way around a table setting couldn’t hurt anything.

-Taryn Dameron
Senior, Agricultural Journalism

Don't miss the Etiquette Dinner on Wednesday, November 5th from 5 to 8 p.m. Visit CAFNR Career Services in Ag Building 2-64 for sign-up today!

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