Friday, August 17, 2007

Turn up the HEAT!

Ok, I know some of you who find yourselves engulfed in the heat wave are saying, "What?!" But seriously, this is an exciting time to be in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. CAFNR Careers are hot!

I challenge anyone to pick up a current newspaper or news magazine and NOT find at least one article related to the majors in CAFNR. From biofuels to the safety of our food to medical research to the environment, career opportunities abound. I just returned from a conference last week where employers discussed how to attract the best and brightest to their open positions.

I want to emphasize how badly we need not just employees, but true leaders in our industries. I want MU CAFNR to set the standards.

Watch the following video to get my message:

As we prepare for CAFNR Career Day on September 26th and a very active fall recruiting season, we need to turn up the heat.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This will be fun! Welcome back to the students, we missed you! - Jane